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 I can’t believe three months have passed…  I guess when your busy the weeks seem to just fly by. So… as I’m preparing to return to the states to spend time with my family and friends, I can’t help but mention the obvious… expectations.  What are people going to expect from my experience of living in Africa for three months?  I figured I could start with a few things you shouldn’t expect so you’re not so disappointed…




What NOT to expect from this Missionary to Africa:

#1 My skin will not be super tanned and crisp. Sorry, but I use sunscreen and common sense to hide under the shade on sunny days.

#2 I will not be super skinny and three pants sizes smaller. The truth is the chocolate is delicious; there are Magnum ice cream bars everywhere, and the other missionaries cook like they’re on Master Chef. So it’s safe to say that I’ve put on a few pounds. Woops!

#3 Speaking about food… I do not eat monkey brains or dead animals that I’ve hunted. That’s because we have a supermarket and we just buy our food from there. Although the selection is a little different and smaller, I’ve still managed to cook and eat pretty normal.

#4 I do not have Zebras and Lions roaming around in my backyard or a monkey as a pet. I wish there was but the only animals I see on a daily basis are skinny cows, ugly goats, and chickens.


 Okay, so I hope your not too disappointed about these things and I hope you got a good laugh. The plus side is, I have a lot of things that I did experience and will love to share them with you!  I have plenty of stories and lots of pictures. So, with that being said… I’m looking forward to seeing you very SOON! I arrive in NYC on Dec. 4th so contact me so we can set up a date to meet up! 


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