
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

One thing at a time

Imagine yourself in a place where a child dying from being abandoned does not make you cry. Where swollen bellies and malnutrition is natural. Where there is a higher demand for coffins then food. Where children are killed for the use of black magic. Where tears are not shed over these events, this is Swaziland. Why? Because things like this happen and it’s become common to those who live in this country. It’s as common to them as beggars on a train or homeless people in the park in New York City.


This has become a daily struggle for me as I walk through this with Christ. How can I have the love of Christ and neglect the sick? Neglect the hurting? Neglect the orphans? But how can I possibly help them all?!?!? It’s so easy to become overwhelmed with the need around me; it makes me feel like I’ll never be able to do enough and I might as well do nothing at all. It’s hard to know some of the same smiling faces I play with at the carepoint, are relying twice a day on a pill to prolong their lives. Or to think about children who don’t get the correct medical treatment they need, can loose their lives at any moment. This is reality.


I continue to think of this quote… “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” – Mother Teresa. I have been blessed to see the fruit of saved lives here through the love of a missionary family, the McAdams, who continue to care for one child at a time. With three children of their own, they have opened their homes and hearts to children who have been neglected and have nurtured those children back to life. Although, they oversee a few thousand kids through the carepoints and can easily become overwhelmed with the need around them, they have been a HUGE blessing by continuing to be used by God to love one and continue to make a difference. 

“Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”- Mother Teresa

The McAdams (left to right: Maggie, Katie, Amy, Mumu, Steve, & Ellie)

So I take a deep breath and tell myself, “Do what you can for one at a time.” I know God has brought me to Swaziland for a purpose and I don’t want to miss it by being overwhelmed. I love this country and the people who live here A LOT, but I know God loves them even more then I do. My season here will be a short one before I have to go back home to the states and I don’t know when I will be able to return. So I want to seize every moment of opportunity to give Love, share Hope, and spread Faith. Swaziland belongs to God, I know His love for them is great and He has not forgotten about them because He continues to call people like you and I and the wonderful staff of Adventures in Missions to love and serve them.


 At the end of each season we can say… John 17:4 ” I brought glory to you here on earth (Swaziland) by completing the work you gave me to do.” Your love and support makes it possible for me to be used by God here in Swaziland and together we are making a difference. Thank you!



  1. What a blessing you are to the people of Swaziland! I will be praying that God would multiply your efforts there. You are so wise to know that your ministry to each person is important. Thank you for being sent!

  2. This was an awesome blog. I felt as I read it a greater connection to the land. It reality of life and death. The urgency of them knowing Christ. May God bless you as you continue to do Gods work.
    Love you my girl. . ♥♥♥

  3. Wow this was beautiful and very touching. You are such a blessing I pray everyday for you that you can continue to be a blessing. Don’t give up continue to do God’s work. Love you

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